.01637Ξ 100% on-chain generative tulips by Art101. TM! on OpenSea. Minting 12/14 @ 12am PST through 12/24 @ 12am PST. ***Click the circles!***
Normies are meme-ing tulips again and you've spent the last 2 years buyin' 'em. Why not mint one?
Tulip Mania! is generative, animated, and 100% on-chain vector art.
A 10-day open edition, Tulip Mania! has no fixed supply, just a 10-day mint window. Minting begins on 12/14/2022 @ 12am PST and closes on 12/24/2022 @ 12am PST. Until expired, secondary listings are disabled.
When the window ends, minting halts, listings are re-enabled, and contract ownership is renounced automatically. At which point, the mania is over, but lives on-chain forever.
No allowlist, no promises, and no royalties. Tulip Mania! is a celebration of irrational exuberance. The content is cc0 and low on rarity.
It's beautiful, unique, and it's art!
Previews!? Check 'em out on OpenSea, look below, or follow us on twitter!
Confused? Read the FAQ.
Tulip Mania?
Tulip Mania took place in the 1630s during the Dutch Golden Age. A status symbol from the new world, tulips gave rise to history's first speculative bubble.
Traders began buying and selling futures while dishing alpha in private "colleges." Tulip prices soared as speculators swapped contracts backed by the wind.
A few years later, it ended in tragedy. The cost of tulips plummeted, and the fun was over.
Wen Mint?
Minting begins on 12/14/2022 @ 12am PST and closes on 12/24/2022 @ 12am PST
No Fixed Supply?
A 10-day open edition, Tulip Mania! has no fixed supply, just a 10-day mint window. Minting begins on 12/14/2022 @ 12am PST and closes on 12/24/2022 @ 12am PST. Until expired, secondary listings are disabled.
When the window ends, minting halts, listings are re-enabled, and contract ownership is renounced automatically. At which point, the mania is over, but lives on-chain forever.
Each Tulip Mania! NFT is an infinitely scalable vector image and stored entirely on the Ethereum blockchain, not IPFS or god-forbid localhosts.
View the collection on OpenSea!
Trash Art?
Garish, Fauve, call it whatever you want.
No Royalties?
Nope. Buy and sell on any marketplace. We want your ETH up front.
Regardless, you should buy and sell on OpenSea.
No Roadmap?
When an artist sells a painting, does the buyer expect a timeline of future works? No. Instead, we'll make more shit and you'll keep buyin'.
No Allowlist?
If you're willing to waste your money you shouldn't have to "wait your turn."
Tulip Mania! is "No Rights Reserved" content. We stole the tulip from Jacob Marrel anyway.
Tulip Mania! has a color palette of 64 colors and 16 variable traits. It all takes place on-chain, this contract was expensive af to deploy.
Contract Address?
This image and all of the traits were rendered 100% from the Ethereum blockchain. All of the SVG layers were pushed into a smart contract with dynamic styling defined. The metadata which includes traits and image data (tokenURI) is also rendered completely from the chain.
No IPFS. No servers. No cloud hosting. Millions of combinations.